ㅤintroㅤ After a series of events led him to swearing assistance and later marrying to a fellow Viera, Marvin has packed up his things from Eorzea and is now building a life in Kugane.
Determined to pursue his path of healing for the sake of his mate and unborn children, he has thrown himself into work, while attempting to juggle just why the past affects him so badly.
Of course, healing is never so easy, but at least he has the support of his friends and family, just as he is willing to do the same for them.
Someday you'll hit a crossroads, and then you'll have to decide which path you will take.
Marvin — Veena — Stormblood — PST/MST
ㅤ001.ㅤ Marvin's perspectives do not necessarily reflect my own Please keep this in mind while you are RPing with him. He may do illogical things that are not up to me, but it doesn't not mean I am not interested in following them.
ㅤ002.ㅤ Marvin is not available for any relationship RP. I am down to do deep friendships, enemies, or other allies, but I will not be doing romance RP with him, and I will DEFINITELY not be doing any ERP. If this is all you want, please look elsewhere.
ㅤ003.ㅤ I am rather picky with quality of RP. I prefer paragraph+ RP, but if your grammar is good and I get a good sense of your character, I am fine with shorter length. If you cannot adhere to proper grammar, spelling, and your character is not interesting, I will politely cease RPing with you.ㅤ004.ㅤ Marvin is a more lore-compliant character going through some heavier topics and subjects. As a result, he fits better with characters who are also lore-complaint and able to deal with his sensitivities. I won't RP with lore breaking characters as a result.
His story also takes place IN STORMBLOOD. I won't reference MSQ if you don't either. I'm still up for RP, but please respect my decision.
ㅤ005.ㅤ I am down for most anything in RP. You can injure Marvin, maim him perhaps, break him. So long as we discuss it beforehand, I am open to just about anything, including but not limited to: severe injury, gore, blood, and things of that nature. Since Marvin is currently in a long-term RP with another character, he will be beholden to that plot, but if he and your character happen to meet along the way, anything could happen.
ㅤ006.ㅤ Marvin could be a good supporting character for your own story. If you need a character from Doma, or a Vieran character in your story, don't hesitate to reach out. Marvin is well-rounded and well-adjusted (for the most part), so you don't have to worry about meltdowns or freak-outs. He is currently residing in Kugane.
ㅤ007.ㅤ Marvin could use some friendships. If our characters happen to run into each other and hit it off, I an open to doing long-term RP both on and offline. I am an early riser (work at 4am), and I am currently on part time due to an injury, so I am available in the early afternoons to RP, and Friday and Saturday. If your character gets along with Marvin and potentially his S.O, there is an option for group RP, but it would take time and every party would have to be OK with it.
❛ What will it take for you to know?To be assured of your choice?Of your decisions up until now?❜

ㅤageㅤㅤ"Old enough to be your grandsire."
ㅤeyesㅤㅤdark burgundy-red.
ㅤskinㅤㅤgrey, neither darker nor lighter.
ㅤlanguageㅤㅤcommon, Doman, Vieran (Veena). Knows some steppe language, stumbles around others.
ㅤheightㅤㅤ6 feet 3 inches.
ㅤweightㅤㅤaround 210 lbs.
ㅤscarsㅤㅤmajor one on his lower rib cage. minor ones elsewhere on his body from years of mercenary work.
ㅤpersonalityㅤ he is a closed individual and normally doesn't share information with others until he's gotten closer with them. this is rare, and he has traveled solo for twenty-five years, since a bit after his arrival in Eorzea. However, he is loyal and brave, though he no longer takes dangerous jobs, preferring to help from a safer distance.
ㅤappearance.ㅤ Marvin is on the more unique end of Viera, being an older male not living in the forest, and possessing a rarer shade of grey skin. These rarities have contributed to him being rather withdrawn around most everyone.He has a tribe tattoo on his left cheek and his forehead in a sort of maroon/purple color. He's debated getting rid of them, but ultimately decided to keep them because they are a part of his history. He has charcoal hair with light grey highlights that he bounces between cropping shorter and growing out and tying backHe isn't heavy-set by any means, but compared to most other Viera, he is more muscular, and weighs a fair amount as a result. In his youth, he was more lithe, but during Doma's fall, he focused on strengthening his body to combat the worsening environment, and it has more or less held until now. Though he isn't stronger than all of the races, he can hold his own fairly easily against most, and has honed his combat abilities.Marvin is a closed individual. He keeps his emotions guarded, but not in an off-putting way. He is quiet and will generally follow the leader, so long as he trusts and believes in them. If he doesn't, he will let them know with both his actions and words, if he even bothers to stick around.The way he carries himself in battle is similar. He strikes to kill, and his years of living off the land in the Skatay Range have honed his abilities to the max. He doesn't often utilize these skills any more though, due to the danger those sorts of jobs carry.He is surprisingly empathetic, which is the main driving force behind his decision to leave the forest. The law of 'shoot and don't ask questions' appeared too harsh for him, and after a few situations where he figured the individuals in question were actually innocent, he decided to leave the forest and create his own moral code.Though he can appear unfeeling and aloof, his interior is anything but. He merely keeps himself well-composed during times of stress and prefers to keep few, if any, close friends.His circle has luckily expanded beyond his dragonet Rael, but he still holds his wife's presence above others.ㅤbiography.ㅤ Marvin was born in the Iskogr village in the northern Skatay Mountains forest. He was fairly similar to his fellow vieran children except for the fact that he was a bit weaker than them on average. When he was around ten or eleven, he was the target of some bullying. His friend was always there to comfort him, but he internalized it to the point where he became quieter and preferred fading to the background.At one point he retaliated against his bully, injuring him, but he was chastised for his rash actions, and that year his bully was chosen to graduate to living in the forest, as he had hit the age of maturity.A different male viera, visiting the village, had seen his show of strength and promised to him that if he kept up his training in the village that he would choose him as his disciple. Marvin didn't necessarily believe in him, but kept up his training while his friend was chosen to join the village guard.When he was chosen to leave the village a year later, he noticed that the male viera who had chosen to train his bully had returned again to choose another disciple. Life in the woods was rougher than it would appear. When he was chosen to become a disciple by the same viera from last year, he promised to visit his friend again in the future. She promised back.A few years into his training, he happened upon a Hyuran woman in the forest. He attacked to kill, but upon noticing her injuries and her swollen belly, he balked at the last moment and missed his lunge. He pleaded with his mentor to spare her life and heal her, but they unfortunately didn't have the necessary medicines to treat her, and she perished the following night.This is when he began to doubt the Way of the Woods.A few days later, he and his mentor happened upon a group of Hyuran men, spouting obscenities about the woman. They were slaughtered.He graduated his training and a decade went by before he decided to visit the village again.He met with his friend, and she revealed to him that she had decided to become a salve maker instead of a warrior. He wondered if he was more suited for a different lifestyle.He parted the village and returned again a few years later to choose his own disciple. His friend introduced him to his child, but he felt no attachment toward them.It almost scared him.His apprentice died a year into training due to his own negligence.
More years passed, and he returned to the village once again. Once again, his friend was there to welcome him. His child was nowhere to be found.That year he decided to leave the forest and the Way of the Wood. Though he loved the forest and cared for it, he couldn't condone needless slaughter and sacrifice.He made his way to the Azim Steppe and spent a few years bartering with the locals, enjoying the food and culture. Eventually, he moved onto and Doma and though this was more of a culture shock, he was able to scrounge together a living with his skills he had learned in the forest.
Then the Garlean invasion happened. Unwilling to see the land he loved fall, he fled to Hingashi, and then ultimately Eorzea, knowing that by himself he could do nothing.
name | brief description |
ㅤEorzean Mercenary | Marvin has spent a number of years in eorzea offering his mercenary services to various buyers. He's gotten around as a result and may know characters as a result of his history working with each faction of the eorzean alliance, and those unaffiliated. |
ㅤRed Blade of Domaㅤ | During the fall of Doma, he worked as a freelance samurai after the death of his wife and offered his services to the doman army. He was a brutal fighter, and became known as the red blade of doma. though not many live who would have known him directly, some still may, and there are stories. |
ㅤdemon of domaㅤ | conversely, for any garlean in the army during the conquest of doma, they would know of him as the demon of doma, a ferocious warrior who would cut down any garlean without a care. he was rightfully feared, but vanished suddenly after a short period of time. garleans stationed in the east may spread stories of him to this day; he is unaware for the most part. |
ㅤVeena Viera | Marvin hails from a medium-sized village in the skatay range named iskogr. it was more of the traditional ones, so he has never met anyone from his village proper. however, he does remember a bit of his past, and is always on the lookout for more viera to meet, as it has only been the past few years he's seen an influx of them around. |
Writer | As of late, he has become involved in a publication called The Aether entertainer, and has gotten the inspiration to begin his own separate writing. if your character is also interested in writing or reading, they will likely have something to connect on. (slightly outdated) |
Shopkeep | Marvin and his wife are attempting to open and run an eatery in kugane with a focus on doman foods made with hingashi ingredients. perhaps someone could stop by who wishes to be a customer or interested in a business connection. |

ㅤErel Vorasㅤ . Mate . Though they met just six moons ago, they've become closer on the journey to find her brother. they both look forward to being parents within the next year.

ㅤAri Kagon . Erel's friend . Ari is a unique individual who he doesn't know well, but who helped heal him in a time of need, and then beyond that.

Cleoyonne Clujeaux . Regular . Someone he met while working at an Adventurer's Guild, and supplies missions as well.

ㅤXelgarde Krosse . The boss . A connection, not quite a friend yet, but someone Marvin trusts. Marvin briefly ran an Adventure's Guild with him.